7 self-affirmations to display in your home, yellow flowers in a blue vase

7 Self-Affirmations to Display in Your Home

Posted: August 16, 2020 by Elizabeth Tackett

I like to write self-affirmations and put them around my house. In case you missed my last post, read about why I think self-affirmation is essential to living a life of purpose.

Whether it’s talking to yourself in the mirror (like this adorable girl), or putting notes around your house where you can see them everyday, self-affirmation is crucial to your understanding of how to love yourself well.

Rather than just giving you ideas on how to do this yourself, I thought I would provide some real life self-affirmations that you can place throughout your home.

I went a step further and made you a free printable of these 7 self-affirmations! Get that here!

Put these affirmations up in your home where they are visible. This is a step towards consistency for your mind in terms of how you talk to yourself.

Soul friend, I want you to first and foremost believe in you.

The way you love yourself is vital to your ability to love other people. To love your neighbor, friend, or family member well, you must first be kind to yourself. In those difficult moments or trying seasons, the well you will be drawing from is the well of self-love which will allow you to give to others.

So let’s start the practice of loving ourselves.

Each room in your home needs intention, because the thoughts and ways you interact with the space directly affects how you view yourself. For instance, if you always enter the kitchen and think “I need to not eat too much” or “I shouldn’t have that snack” (even if you’re hungry), that’s a direct reflection of how you view yourself. You think there’s something wrong with your physical appearance or that you aren’t meeting society’s view of what is beautiful.

Or perhaps in the living room, you listen to conversations of others but always think “I don’t have anything interesting to contribute“. You’re breeding an idea that your thoughts have no value.

Let me be the first to tell you, this is not a healthy way of living.

You are more likely to continue with this negative way of thinking unless you take actionable steps towards changing your mindset.

What is a healthy way of living is thinking “I’m hungry so I’m going to eat something nutritious for my body” or “My thoughts are interesting, I’m going to share so others can listen and process with me.

So how do we start this process of renewing our minds?

We make our positive thoughts visible all the time.

There are 7 self-affirmations you need to display in your home. They should go in your:

1. Kitchen

2. Living Room

3. Bathroom

4. Bedroom

5. Hallway

6. Front door

7. Car

If you want to read all 7 self-affirmations, make sure you get your FREE printable here.

I promise it will help you to take a step towards changing your mindset, which will change your life.

These self-affirmations are designed to remind you everyday, in every corner of your house, that you are worthy and capable of loving yourself.

Perhaps you won’t believe some of them yet.

Maybe you cast out others as unimportant (why do I need self-affirmations in my car?). If so, I’m here to remind you that believing every one of these is a start toward wholeness.

If you want to put these self-affirmations up in your home, don’t forget to download my free printable!

And remember, as someone who is also a person in progress, I’m right there with you on this walk.

Let’s go on the journey together to love ourselves even better.

Download your FREE self-affirmation cards here.

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